Kenny Love

Kenny Love

Interviewed by: Lauretta Pierce
July 18, 2005

Q.    Who is Kenny Love?

A.    Kenny Love is a soul who struggles nightly between the adversaries of Good and Evil. Wait a minute...I'm sorry... that's Batman.

Q. How did you come about the idea for a scientist that created robots like humans who wanted to destroy humanity?

A.   Well, this is going to sound trite and oh so cliché, but the story really did originate from a dream that I had one afternoon. In fact, the dream's initial setting was in my yard. However, the scientist in the story, who studied robotics, molecular structure and genetics, did not create the androids for the purpose of human destruction. This was purely an independent evolution on the part of the androids. So, I took the overall element of the android, and worked with it until I felt I had a story to tell. And, just for the sake of irony, I added the idea that the androids had read the Bible and, specifically, certain verses within the book of Revelation and deduced that they were the chosen ones to annihilate human civilization on the date of December 31, 2000. Interestingly, when the movie, "I, Robot" was released, a friend of mine called me upset saying that I had been ripped off.

Q. How did you come about the title?

A.   Actually, that was the easiest part, since we were only three years from the century changeover. Also, throughout the writing of it, the media and everyday people really helped the story along when panic began to set in regarding what our computers would do when the clock ticked a second past the 2000 midnight hour, the possibility of the end of the world, etc.

Q. How did you come about the idea for an African-American Female President?

A.   Actually, she isn't African American.

Q. Why did you choose Houston for the President's hometown?

A.   Now, here, I was following the leads of several leading writers, such as Stephen King, who sets most of his stories in Maine, Dean Koontz, who sets his novels, primarily, in California and the good Dr. Robert B. Parker, author of the Spenser detective novels, and whose stories are set in Boston. So, in addition, my choice to set it in Houston was based entirely on pure Texas nepotism. Authors set their stories in their home areas to add authenticity to their stories' geography. I must also say that Dr. Parker was immensely helpful to my crossing the Fiction writing threshold, as I read over thirty of his novels in preparation. He was also once a college professor in either English or Literature, so I considered that I received a wonderful free college education in his field, just from reading him.

Q. How long did it take you to write Millennium Eve?

A.   Approximately a year, starting in 1997.

Q. How long have you been writing?

A.   I have been writing for over ten years, however, I began with Non Fiction and Reference as a music journalist and columnist for the Music industry. I have written poetry and songs since I was seventeen, however, only began seriously writing Fiction of length about eight years ago.

Q. Is Christian Fiction the only genre you write?

A.   Actually, no. I have a Horror short story titled, "To Sleep, I Dread" which, believe it or not, also originated from a dream. "Millennium Eve" is also a multi-genre work that consists of Religion, Science Fiction, Suspense and Mystery. And, speaking of poetry, "Millennium Eve" opens with a thematic poem titled, "Yesterday, We Had Tomorrow."

Q. Are you currently working on another novel?

A.   I have a couple of novels in the works titled "JigSaw" and "Millennium Eve 2: The Domination." The latter's title is likely to change though. Currently, I am focusing mainly on my playwrighting in creating plays for the theatre, as I have found plays far more engaging. My first play is titled "Rocking Chairs" and is starting to get some notice.

Q. What message would you like readers to receive from reading Millennium Eve?

A.   Perhaps I am preaching to the choir, but I would like readers to understand that, for all the knowledge and wisdom that God has given us, I believe there should be a limit to the level of technology that we explore, such as space travel. I firmly believe that, at some point, technology will be our utter undoing.
