Hope C. Clarke

Hope C. Clarke
Best Seller

Interviewed by: Lauretta Pierce
May 8, 2003

1. Who is Hope C. Clarke?

If I said Just another lady, I would be lying. The truth is, I consider myself a producer of the mind. My whole objective is to teach and entertain. I work full-time like most, but my main agenda is entertaining readers. I am also a mother of a ten-year-old son who is showing signs of the plague to entertain. A New Hope Publishing is my company whose initial purpose was to publish my own book, but being in the industry for almost four years, I have extended my knowledge and services to other authors who desire to become a part of this exciting industry.

2. What inspired you to write Best Seller?

Best Seller is another part of my wild imagination. It is one of the rare stories that don't have a real inspiration or at least the initial concept didn't originate with inspiration. What Best Seller really depicts is a trepidation that probably a lot of writers experience that fear that their dreams are not really dreams but premonitions of things to come.

3. How did you come about Kurt's character?

Kurt Daley's character or should I say personality is like myself. She is a strong woman determined to be a best selling author. Kurt Daley is also a womanizer, not intentionally, but due to her arrogant personality (as she comes off at times), she found herself in a I don't need anybody scenario,until she meet Robert Earls. Kurt Daley is comical, in her own way, and genuine. She is self absorbed and fenced into her own world with an exception to her work buddies (which by the way are my true friends at work). I used their definite names and characteristics but changed my own so that it wouldn't seem like an autobiography. Each of my supporting characters has real personalities and issues. I used their true fears as the realistic events that take place in Best Seller. For example the Helena character does indeed pride her family and we do share in that discussion on a daily, so what best atrocity than to take it away in some dramatic event. By the way, she is still with her family and they are as happy as the day they were married.

4. Why did you choose to use author Dean Koontz as one of your characters?

Dean Koontz is my all time favorite. His bizarre stories and style instilled the desire to write my own stories. At home, I have a collection of all of his books, and although I don't get the chance to read them right now, I still collect them and keep them on a shelf of their own. I hope that I will get the chance to meet him.

5. Is suspense the only genre you write?

I wouldn't call my genre suspense, although it is the main element. Publishers call my style mainstream fiction because it is a compilation of the three main genres, Romance, suspense and horror. I'm not a romance fan, but I enjoy writing intimate scenes. To give a definitive answer, my genre would be romantic suspense and yes I will always combine these elements in my writing because it is the true replication of life itself.

6. How long did it take you to write "Best Seller"?

I wrote best seller during the month of May 2002 in a total of two full weekends and ten weekdays. Most of my works take about that amount of time if I worked on them straight, but I work on multiple projects at once and months may go by before I decide to work on it again.

7. How many books have you written?

I have three complete novels on the market now (Shadow Lover, Not With My Son, and as you know, Best Seller). I am working on three other titles right now, two of which will probably be released next year.

8. One of the incidents in "Best Seller" that Kurt wrote was about a woman getting raped. Did that happen to one of Kurt's friends or did Kurt start writing about her friends after she received Best Seller?

Kurt only began writing about her friends after receiving the Best Seller. The initial story was just a part of her imagination. In fact, it was something she added to her cover letter to emonstrate how she pulls her readers into her stories, as the real author Hope C. Clarke does.

9. What type of atmosphere do you require to write?

Complete silence with an exception of theme music I use to set the emotional mode for writing special scenes (i.e. intimate). Moving objects are distracting, so birds; waterfalls, etc are not good elements to have around when writing. Music can also be distracting if I become too familiar with the lyrics. Complete silence is best. Here and there, I write at work because the atmosphere is quiet. Sometimes, I even stay after work to continue, especially when I'm at a really dramatic part.

10. Are you currently working on another book?

Yes. I am working on Missing Births as well as Vengeance Is Mine which is the sequel to Not With My Son, and An Undying Love.

11. Is there a message you would like readers to receive from reading "Best Seller?"

Keep your dreams in perspective and be careful what you ask for. Know what you're getting into before you commit to it because you don't always get a second chance.